Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit
Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit

Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit

Your Ultimate Pet Grooming Solution!



Are you tired of the mess and hassle of traditional pet grooming? Say goodbye to scattered fur and noisy clippers. With the Pet Grooming Vacuum, grooming your furry friend has never been easier and quieter!


Model: B2Material: ABSInput Voltage: 120VOperating Gear: Eco / Standard / BoostMotor Power: 100W / 250W / 400WDust Bin Volume: 2L

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Introducting the dog grooming vacuum

Make Your Pet Feel Great and your home stay neat

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Multi-Purpose Use

Some dog grooming vacuums can also be used for light household cleaning tasks, such as vacuuming pet beds, furniture, or car seats where hair accumulates.

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Minimizes Grooming Stress

The vacuum gently removes loose hair without tugging on the dog’s skin, making the grooming process more comfortable and less stressful for the dog.Modern dog grooming vacuums are quieter than regular vacuums, so they don't startle or scare dogs who are sensitive to loud sounds.

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Reduces Shedding and Hair Mess

The vacuum suction collects loose fur directly as you groom, preventing hair from spreading all over your home.Reduces the need to clean floors, furniture, and clothing after grooming sessions, keeping your space hair-free.

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Safe and Hygienic

Unlike traditional brushing, which can fling loose hair everywhere, the vacuum contains it directly in its chamber, ensuring a more hygienic process.Most vacuums are designed with adjustable settings, allowing you to control the suction power to ensure it’s gentle and safe for your dog’s skin.

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what makes our dog Grooming Vacuum

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Pet-Safe Precision Trimmer

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Compact Flat Suction Nozzle

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Siphon Vacuum Technology

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Compact Flat Suction Nozzle

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Lint Brush

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2.3L Detachable Dust Cup

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High-Powered Motor

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Pet-Safe Precision Trimmer

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Round-Head Needle Comb

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Adjustable Comb Lengths

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Dog Grooming Vacuum & Pet Grooming Kit?

This is an all-in-one grooming kit designed to remove loose pet hair, dirt, and dander while grooming your pet. It features a vacuum system with a large 2.3L dust cup, ensuring efficient collection of pet hair and debris.

How does the vacuum feature work?

The vacuum system gently sucks away loose hair and dirt as you brush your pet, keeping your home cleaner and reducing shedding. The larger dust cup allows for longer grooming sessions without needing frequent emptying.

Is this grooming kit suitable for all pet breeds?

Yes, the grooming kit is designed for use on both dogs and cats of all breeds and coat types. The different attachments can be used depending on your pet’s fur length and grooming needs.

Does the vacuum noise bother pets?

The vacuum is designed to operate with minimal noise to keep your pet calm during grooming. However, if your pet is sensitive to noise, it is recommended to introduce them to the device gradually.

How often should I groom my pet using this kit?

The frequency of grooming depends on your pet’s breed and coat type. For pets with long or thick fur, it’s recommended to groom them 2-3 times per week. Pets with shorter fur may require less frequent grooming.